Department of Medical Science

Master's Degree in Medical Science

  • Application and Admission to the Program for the Master's Degree

    Applicants with a Bachelors degree either in Medicine or Science from an accredited college may be admitted after appraisal. The applicants are appraised based on the academic achievements of their undergraduate course and oral examinations, with or without written examinations, in the student's major field of Medical Science and in English.

  • Requirements for the Masters Degree in Medical Science
    • Two academic years or four semesters of enrollment, but no more than four calendar years.
    • Completion of a minimum of 30 credits with a grade point average of 3.00 or better an a 4.3 years.
    • Satisfactory score on an authorized English test such as TOEFL, TOEIC or TEPS.
    • Satisfactory performance on a comprehensive written examination in two subjects of Medical Science.
    • Completion of a thesis acceptable to the thesis committee. The members of thesis committee are appointed by the steering Committee.
    • Satisfactory performance on the final defense(oral examination)in front of the thesis committee. Any decision concerning the thesis is ruled by a two-thirds majority vote.
  • Credit Requirements for the Masters degree
    Credit Requirements for the Masters degree Table, 1st Semester, 2nd Semester, 3rd Semester, 4th Semester informational
    1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester
    Major subject(3) Major subject(3)
    Joint Seminar1(3) Joint Seminar2(3)
    Lab Exercise1(3) Lab Exercise2(3)
    Elective Course(3) Elective Course(3) Elective Course(3)
    Individual Study 1(2) Individual Study 1(2)
    12 Credit 12 Credit 5 Credit 2 Credit
    • Above subjects are available for every department.

Doctoral Degree in Medical Science

  • Application and Admission to the Program for the Doctor of Philosophy

    Applicants with a Masters degree either in Medicine or Science from an accredited Graduate School may be admitted after appraisal. The applicants are appraised based on the academic achievements of undergraduate as well as master's course and oral examinations, with or without written examinations, in the student's major field of Medical Science and in English.

  • Requirements for the Doctorate of Philosophy
    • More than five semesters but no more than seven calendar years of enrollment.
    • Completion of a minimum of 30 credits with a grade point average of 3.00 or better 4.30 scale.
    • Satisfactory score on an authorized English test such as TOEFL, TOEIC or TEPS.
    • Satisfactory performance on a comprehensive written examination in the three subjects of Medical Science.
    • Completion of a thesis acceptable to the student's thesis committee. The members of thesis committee are appointed by the Steering Committee.
    • Satisfactory performance on the final defense(oral examination) in front of the thesis committee. Any decision concerning the thesis is ruled by a four-fifths majority vote.
    • Further details additional, requirements and other topics are given in the graduate bulletin, available from the College of Medicine or from the Graduate School office at yonsei University.
  • Credit Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy
    Credit Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Table, 1st Semester, 2nd Semester, 3rd Semester, 4th Semester informational
    1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester
    Major subject(3) Major subject(3)
    Lab Excercise 3 (3) Lab Exercise 4 (3)
    Joint Seminar 3 (3) JointSeminar 4 (3)
    Elective Course(3) Elective Course(3) Elective Course(3)
    Individual Study 3(2) Individual Study 4(2)
    12 Credit 12 Credit 5 Credit 2 Credit

Master's and Doctoral Degree in Medical Science Combined Program

  • Application and Admission
    • Refer to "Master's Degree in Medical Science"
    • For more specific informations, the student should consult the department in where he or she wishes to enroll.
  • Requirements

    Refer to Graduate Programs in Yonsei University's General Bulletin.

  • Credit Requirements for the Combined Program for Masters and Doctoral Degrees
    Credit Requirements for the Combined Program for Masters and Doctoral Degrees Table, Masters Deree, Doctor of Philosopgy informational
    Masters Deree Doctor of Philosopgy
    Major Subject Major Subject
    Laboratory Exercise 1,2 Laboratory Exercise4
    Joint Seminar 1,2 Joint Seminar 3,4
    Individual Study 1,2 Individual Study 3,4

Courses in Medical Science

  • Major Subjects
    • KB501 Immunology
    • KB502 Neurobiology
    • KB503 Tumor Biology
    • KB504 Principle of Drug Action
    • KB505 General Biochemistry
    • KB506 Pathobiology
    • KB507 Structure & Developmental Biology
    • KB601 Joint Seminar 1
    • KB602 Joint Seminar 2
    • KB611 Laboratory Exercise 1
    • KB612 Laboratory Exorcise 2
    • KB621 Individual Study 1
    • KB622 Individual Study 2
    • KB699 Directed Research 1
    • KB801 Joint Seminar 3
    • KB802 Joint Seminar 4
    • KB811 Laboratory Exercise 3
    • KB812 Laboratory Exercise 4
    • KB821 Individual Study 3
    • KB822 Individual Study 4
    • KB899 Directed Research 2
  • Elective Subjects
    • KB511 Immunity to Infection
    • KB512 Immunogenetics
    • KB513 Immunologic Mechanisms in Disease
    • KB514 Developmental Immunology
    • KB521 Neuroanatomy
    • KB522 Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience
    • KB523 Molecular Neuropharmacology
    • KB524 Neurophysiology
    • KB531 Clinical Oncology
    • KB532 Experimental Tumor Biology
    • KB533 Toxicology
    • KB541 Transplantation
    • KB542 Endocrinology
    • KB543 Molecular Basis of Inherited Disease
    • KB544 Rehabilitation with CNS lesion
    • KB551 Cell Biology
    • KB552 Medical Zoology
    • KB553 Practical Approach to Molecular & Cellular Biology
    • KB561 Human Genome
    • KB562 Gene Delivery System
    • KB571 Regulation of Gene Transcription
    • KB572 Comparative Embryology
    • KB573 Epidermal Barrier
    • KB514 Clinical Anatomy
    • KB601 Joint Seminar 1
    • KB602 Joint Seminar 2
    • KB711 Allergy
    • KB712 Molecular Immunology
    • KB713 Tumor Immunology
    • KB714 Autoimmunity & Autoimmune Disease
    • KB721 Molecular Mechamisms of Neurodegenerative Disorders
    • KB722 Neurotransmitters & Neurotransmission
    • KB723 Loaming & Memory
    • KB724 Trends in Neurosciences
    • KB731 Carcinogenesis
    • KB732 Experimental Cancer Therapeutics
    • KB733 Molecular Oncology
    • KB742 Diabetes
    • KB743 Digital Imaging
    • KB744 Bone and Mineral
    • KB751 Signal Transduction in Cell
    • KB752 Growth Factor
    • KB753 Regulation of Cellular Metabolism & Gene
    • KB761 Pathogenesis and Pathology of Fibrosis
    • KB762 Mechanism of Tumor Progression-Metastasis
    • KB771 Structure & Function of Myocardium
    • KB772 Vascular Biology