Mentoring program

Overview of Counseling Services

  • Yonsei University College of Dentistry offers a three-tiered counseling system for students facing academic or personal challenges:
    • Faculty Mentors and Academic Advisors
    • Faculty Counselors
    • Student Mind Care Center
  • Students are required to engage with this counseling process if they take a leave of absence, fail a semester, or withdraw from school. For detailed information on each tier, refer to the "Counseling Structure" section below.

Counseling Structures

Primary Support: Faculty Mentors and Academic Advisors
  • Faculty Mentors: Students are assigned a faculty mentor upon entering the Yonsei University College of Dentistry to provide guidance and counseling on personal issues, academic matters and professional career paths.
  • Academic Advisors by Year: The Academic Advisor in charge of each Year is assigned by the dean to help resolve personal problems.
Secondary Support: Faculty Counselors
  • Three Faculty Counselors (Prof. Y. J. Yoo, Prof. K.-S. Hu, and Prof. J. Kim) are available for more specialized support. Students may be referred here by themselves, the Dean, Faculty Mentors, or Academic Advisors.
Tertiary Support: Student Mind Care Center
  • If the student needs additional counseling or professional help as a result of the counseling with the faculty counselor, they can get help from the Student Mind Care Center through the students’ section of the school office.