Goals of Nursing Education



The College of Nursing at Yonsei University is celebrating its 115th anniversary, having opened its doors in 1906. As the leading institute in Korea, it has also grown to be an internationally recognized nursing college in the 21st century.
Over its 115 years, Yonsei University College of Nursing has developed into the finest nursing education institution in Korea and is proud to have fostered exceptional individuals who lead the field of nursing globally.
Starting in 1906 as Severance Hospital Training School for Nurses, it was promoted to College of Nursing, becoming a separate and independent college in 1968. Masters and doctoral programs in nursing were initiated in 1963 and 1977, respectively. In 1992, the College of Nursing became the first in Korea to offer an RN-BSN program, continuing up to the present. In 2002, the Graduate School of Nursing Science was established with the aim of fostering professional nurses with expertise in their clinical fields. The College of Nursing has been recognized for such meritorious deeds and has been recognized as the best university with a nursing department in the Korea University Comprehensive Evaluation, surveyed by the Korean Council for University Education.
In 2020, Mo-Im Kim Nursing Research Institute was chosen as a University-Centered Lab of the National Research Foundation of Korea, a first in the field of nursing, and the S-L.E.A.P. Global Nurse Scientist Program was selected for the Ministry of Education BK21 Four Project.
In 2021, the College of Nursing was chosen by the Ministry of Health and Welfare for the Practical Education Support Project of the College of Nursing. Today, it makes the utmost effort to raise the quality of nursing and fulfill its social responsibility of overseeing people’s health.
The College of Nursing will produce top-tier nursing experts as demanded by proactively responding to the needs of a rapidly changing and globalizing 21st century, and will also strive to promote the universal health of humanity.

Goals of Nursing Education

Educational Goals

Yonsei University College of Nursing aims to practice Christian love and service, to respect all humans as holistic beings, and to pursue their well-being by maintaining, promoting, and restoring health.
To realize such goals, the College of Nursing is fully dedicated to producing professional nurses who have not only acquired expertise in nursing knowledge and skills to carry out therapeutic care for clients and to collaborate with other health professionals but who are also capable of fulfilling leadership roles.

Philosophy of Education

  • The founding philosophy of Yonsei University, which encompasses the values of Truth and Freedom based on the Christian spirit, along with the founding spirit of Yonsei University Health System, emphasizing Creation, Christianity, and Cooperation, form the core principles.
  • Nursing is an applied science that is grounded in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, responding to the demands of society.
  • The domains of nursing encompass the human being, health, environment, and nursing actions. The human being is a unique and integrated entity that undergoes growth and development throughout the lifespan. Health is a state of well-being in which the human being achieves optimal functioning and balance through interactions with the environment, which is constantly changing and influenced by internal and external factors. Nursing actions involve therapeutic, educational, supportive, and management activities aimed at promoting health in relation to the recipient.
  • The purpose of nursing is to achieve the optimal state of well-being through care, which enables individuals, families, groups, and communities to recover, maintain, and enhance their health.
  • Professional nurses, grounded in values of altruism, autonomy, and social justice, engage in creative thinking and self-development in response to social changes.

Educational Objectives

  • Develop competency as a nurse who provides therapeutic care.
  • Cultivate the ability as a creative and convergent health professional.
  • Cultivate capacity as a global leader leading change.

Program Outcomes

  • PO 1. Integrate knowledge and skills from diverse academic disciplines and apply them effectively.
  • PO 2. Demonstrate nursing practices that prioritize patient safety and enhance quality of care.
  • PO 3. Implement evidence-based nursing practices.
  • PO 4. Display excellent communication skills.
  • PO 5. Collaborate proficiently with healthcare professionals in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO 6. Utilize information and technology efficiently.
  • PO 7. Perform nursing practices in alignment with professional standards, ethical principles, and legal guidelines.
  • PO 8. Foster leadership skills in nursing.
  • PO 9. Provide culturally sensitive nursing care to individuals from diverse backgrounds.
  • PO 10. Uphold Christian values in practice.