Global Health

This course is designed to further knowledge on International Health Policy and the formation of national health care organizations in developing countries. The knowledge gained from this course will enable students to draw comparisons between Korea's health care system and those of other nations.


Yonsei University Graduate School of Public Health established the first Department of International Health in Korea in 1996. The Department of Global Health aims to develop leaders with global competitiveness in the skills, knowledge and attitudes based on public health evidence.

The Department of Global Health is active in creating shared value (CSV) through official development assistance (ODA)-related public institutions, multilateral organizations, and domestic and foreign non-governmental organizations and companies based on Korea's experience in overcoming poverty and economic development, which has achieved unprecedented achievements in the world. We will nurture human resources to lead development by improving the global health situation and health care infrastructure.

In addition, by inheriting the spirit of Jejungwon and Severance, which was created as a result of international development cooperation, we aim to produce local leaders who lead sustainable development by creating changes in the health care sector and the development of developing countries.

Core Curriculum

  • Seminar in International Health
  • Comparative Studies of Health Care System
  • Socio-Cultural Aspects in International Health
  • International Health Policy