Health Security

KOICA-Yonsei University Master’s Degree Program in Global Health Security Capacity Building is operated as a KOICA Scholarship Program from September 2017 to February 2021.


This program is designed to :

  • 1) train public health professionals from developing countries in the field of infectious diseases control so that they can manage infectious diseases effectively as well as help set up and implement good health-related policies in their home countries,
  • 2) build partnership with developing countries for the possible expansion of Korean public health institutions into the countries, and
  • 3) share Korea's experience in infectious diseases and public health and disseminate Korean culture to developing countries.


Curriculum table and provides information on Type, Type, Course Title
Type Type Course Title
1st Semester
  • Introduction to Public Health (1)
  • Biostatistics (2)
  • Vaccinology (2)
  • Case Studies in GHSA/EID (1)
  • Introduction to GHSA (1)
  • GHSA, Health Law and Ethics (1)
2nd Semester
  • Managing Service Delivery for UHC (2)
  • International Disaster Response (2)
  • Hospital Infection Control (1)
3rd Semester
  • Epidemiology for Disease Control (2)
  • Official Development Assistance and Health (2)
  • Global Health Seminar (1)
  • Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response (1)
  • Thesis of Global Health Security 1 (2)
4th Semester
  • Health System for UHC (2)
  • Medical and Humanitarian Emergencies (2)
  • COVID-19 (2)
  • BioDefense Research (1)
5th Semester
  • Case Studies in Global Health (1)
  • Current Issues and Agendas in GHSA (1)
  • Thesis II (4)

The curriculum is subject to change.